
Immediate Implants


Immediate Implants

Immediate Implant placement is a procedure where the implant is placed immediately following the extraction of the tooth. Nowadays this procedure is considered as a gold standard in implant cases as it prevents any bone loss and prohibits any change is the surrounding gums and tissues. This provides an excellent working for the doctor and is extremely convenient for the patient as the treatment is completed with a single intervention. This cuts out the number of visits and appointments at the clinic.

However, in cases of cysts and infections, this procedure might be contraindicated and will not be suggested. It is mandatory for the infection to go away and the sight to heal for the success of implant therapy. A healthy bone and tissue structure is a vital part of implant therapy.


A traditional implant treatment module takes anywhere from 6 months to 12 months to be complete. The first step is extraction after which there is an average wait for 3 months and then the implant is placed. Then comes the healing phase where the crown is not placed (unloaded phase) which may take anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months depending on the individual cases. Then comes the second phase of uncovering the implant which is again a surgical step. Finally ending in the prosthetic phase where the crown is placed which again may take as long as 6 months to complete (fusion of bone to implant).

This is a delayed process and may become even more delayed in cases of infections and cysts. This means that until the implant gets fused to the bone the patient will either remain toothless or will have to wear a denture. This is inconvenient and doesn't resonate well with today's fast-paced and busy life.

However, with each passing day, the medical field is advancing, giving rise to new technologies. Owing to this it is now possible to place an immediate loading dental implant just after the process of tooth removal. This provides fixed teeth over the implant in 3 days. In cases of multiple replacements or full mouth dental implants, it may extend to 7 days. Isn't this absolutely amazing? No more waiting for ages to get your smile back, just 72 hours which is carried forward by a follow up to make sure your smile is as healthy as it can be!

This will avoid bone grafting procedures and sinus lift procedures even in compromise bony tissues. This makes dental implant treatment more cost-effective and lowers the dental implant therapy price. This procedure has the golden advantage fo being minimally invasive. The greatest and the most undoubted advantage of this procedure is the short duration of 3 days, increased durability and greater success.
