
General Dentistry


General Dentistry


There is a general confusion regarding the dental check-up of a child. Many parents don't bring in their child to a dental clinic until the situation is really bad. This we why we always recommend starting a general dental check-up when a child is 12 months old. This is done to make sure that the development of jaw bone and teeth is normal. This also allows us to catch hold of unusual developments and advise parents on how to take proper care of their child's oral hygiene.

One of the main culprits of childhood caries also known as nursing bottle caries is sugary drinks. A lot of times children are put to bed with a milk bottle in their mouth. This leads to the rapid decay of developing teeth.

Common procedures in child dentistry -

1) Fluoride application for prevention from the effects of sugary substances like chocolates and sticky food. It helps prevent caries.

2) Pit and fissure sealants to prevent caries by blocking deep pits and fissures and ease cleaning

3) Dental fillings with fluoride release which is used to treat cavities

4) Orthodontic treatment and assessment

5) Habit breaking appliances used to correct thumb sucking, mouth breathing and tongue thrusting

6) Space maintainers in cases where the milk teeth have fallen before time and the permanent teeth haven't erupted

7) Scaling and polishing to maintain oral hygiene and prevent gum diseases


Orthodontic treatment and treatment with braces is required when the teeth haven't erupted properly in their intended positions. When the teeth are maligned it leads to multiple problems like speech issues, difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene which further leads to gum diseases and decay, aesthetic problems, etc.

Usually, orthodontic treatment lasts for about 18-24 months. In some cases, it may take more time that usual depending upon the malalignment.

Braces are the most efficient and accurate way of moving teeth. These are usually made up of stainless steel although clear brackets are also an option. Fitting braces usually require two visits and after that patients need to come at regular time intervals for adjustments and changes. In some cases, a patient may need to wear a rubber band or headgears to ensure proper treatment as they provide extra forces for the correction of teeth.

After the correction of teeth, a retention device needs to be worn by the patient to keep the newly moved teeth steady in their new position. This is usually up to a year.


There are a plethora of benefits associated with the use of laser in dentistry.

- Some procedures which are performed using laser do not require sutures.

- Certain laser dentistry procedures obliterate the need for anaesthesia

- Laser dentistry also minimises bleeding because of the high energy beam aids in clotting of exposed blood vessels thus preventing blood loss.

- Bacterial infections are minimized as the high energy beams help sterilize the area

- The damage to adjacent tissue is prevented

- Most importantly the healing time reduces dramatically


A) Soft Tissue lasers

They have a wavelength that is highly absorbable by water and haemoglobin making them highly effective with soft tissue treatments. Commonly, Nd:YAG lasers are used. These are used widely is periodontal surgeries as they have the ability to kill bacteria and activate tissue regrowth. Carbon dioxide laser minimizes damage to surrounding tissues.

Soft tissue lasers penetrate soft tissues while sealing blood vessels and nerve endings. This leads to almost no post-operative pain and patients are far more comfortable.

B) Hard tissue lasers

Hard tissue lasers have a wavelength that is highly absorbable by hydroxyapatite, calcium salts that are found in bone and teeth and water. This makes them effective for cutting through tooth structure. These include Erbium YAG and the Erbium chromium YSGG. Usually, these are used to cut into bone and teeth with extreme precision.


when dental decay progresses, the patient starts to feel pain and in some cases, there is swelling with pus accumulation. In these situations, root canal therapy may be indicated. When such a condition arrives a dentist, specifically an endodontist should be consulted.

Root canal treatment can be completed in a single sitting if there is an acute infection and there is no accumulation of pus. This is diagnosed by taking an x-ray of the said region. Once the treatment is complete the patient is recalled after two weeks and a crown is given.

In the case of a chronic/long-standing infection with pus accumulation, the treatment has to be carried out in multiple sittings. This is done to drain the pus and give it time to heal. Firstly the tooth chamber is opened and pus drained and medicament put in the canal. After a few days and regular follow-ups, the procedure is completed and a crown is given.

Post and core procedures are carried out when the tooth structure has been extensively damaged. The entire tooth structure is reinforced by post and core and then the crown is given.

In an apicoectomy procedure, the root tip of the tooth is surgically exposed and sectioned. This allows the removal of infected tissues, granulomas and cysts which develop at the root tip.


Teeth whitening is a procedure that helps to lighten up the teeth, help remove stains and discoloration. It is one of the most common dental cosmetic procedures. Patients usually seek this procedure to improve their aesthetics as whiter teeth are associated with wth beauty and a healthier lifestyle. When people have a bright smile they tend to have more confidence and smile often.

The most common reasons for discolored teeth are smoking, chewing tobacco, consumption of beverages like coffee, cola, and alcohol.

Teeth whitening is not a one-time procedure and may require multiple visits.

It also helps to minimize the appearance of facial wrinkles and gives and more youthful and glowing appearance.

There are two main types of teeth whitening procedures, vital teeth whitening where the tooth is alive that means it has nerves and vessels and non-vital teeth whitening where the tooth has undergone a root canal treatment and no longer has nerves and vessels. It can be done with the use of specific gels containing hydrogen peroxide and lasers.

One disadvantage associated with teeth whitening is sensitivity which is experienced post-treatment.


Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dental science that encompasses the art and science of creating a beautiful smile. With new advances in this field any unpleasant, dull smile can be changed into a magnetic smile in two painless visits.

A lot of people seek smile designing as it boosts facial aesthetics, makes the appearance of facial wrinkles less and gives the face a more youthful structure. This boosts the confidence of a person and they become less self-conscious about themselves.

Basic and most commonly done cosmetic dental procedures are

- Tooth-colored fillings

- Dental bonding

- Enamel shaping and contouring

- Veeners

- Teeth whitening

- Dental jewellery